Monday, June 8, 2009

Role Models?

Are professional athletes role models in todays modern society?

Is their too much abuse of drugs or way too many crimes of modern athletes to concider them role models but one could also argue that not all athletes commit bad deeds.

What do you think?

Source Citation:
Brown, Ashley. "Professional Athletes Should Not Be Viewed as Role Models." Opposing Viewpoints: Sports and Athletes. Ed. James D. Torr. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Alden High School. 10 June 2009 .


  1. I beleive that athletes in todays society can not always be considered role models. I mean i know there are some that do good but i do not believe in athletic role models.

  2. I think some athletes are considered good role modles but not all with all the cheating going around it is hard to tell who is a good role modle

  3. I think it shouldnt be allowed because they are role models for the youth, but is difficult to be a role model if they keep getting in trouble with the law.
